Tamrookum State School accepts enrolments from Prep - Year 6.
Tamrookum State School recognises as its prime obligation, the provision of access to an appropriate educational service for students whose principal place of residence is within the school's catchment area.
Because of enrolment capacity and growth Tamrookum State School may be unable to meet this obligation in the future, unless action is taken now to manage enrolments. The Principal must restrict enrolment of out-of-catchment students to ensure in-catchment students can enrol at their local state school, without requiring additional facilities.
To enrol you must reside within our catchment area which can be found at http://www.qgso.qld.gov.au/maps/edmap/ External link. You will also need to provide proof of address under the Enrolment Management Plan terms and conditions.
If you wish to apply to enrol at the school, please complete the enrolment documents which can be found in forms and documents.
All new enrolments will require an Enrolment Interview with the Principal so please contact the office to arrange a time.
Please bring to the interview:
- completed enrolment forms
- student's Birth Certificate
- Family Court Orders (if applicable)
- Any other information which may assist in your enrolment process, e.g. health, learning support or family information
Enrolment of students from outside the local catchment area is restricted to ensure that the total current and forecast enrolments do not exceed the Student Enrolment Capacity. This school can only enrol out-of-catchment students:
I. if there is sufficient spare capacity after reserving places for students who move into the catchment during the year; and
II. after taking into account the school's projected future enrolment growth.
Out-of-catchment students applying for enrolment at this school are placed on a waiting list and assessed in order of receipt.
Early entry to Prep
Children who are younger than the prescribed age for Prep may be enrolled in Prep if:
- they turn 5 years by 31 July in the year of proposed attendance; and
- the principal is satisfied the child is ready for education in Prep, having regard to their attributes (including ability, aptitude, social and emotional competence, physical development, and level of knowledge and understanding).
The principal may also enrol a child in Prep who is younger than the prescribed age if the child:
- has previously started education that is equivalent to Prep in another state or country; and
- is considered ready for education in Prep, having regard to their attributes (including ability, aptitude, social and emotional competence, physical development, and level of knowledge and understanding).
Not all children who turn 5 years of age in July will be eligible for early entry to Prep. The child must also be considered by the principal to be ready for education.